Helping you get the best out of you.

Feel More Confident, Lose Weight, Build Muscle Strength, and Transform Your Body

Who Are We?

At EDY Yann, we reject the one-size-fits-all approach. Our London personal trainer team crafts regimes to help you lose weight, recover from injury, or reach your fitness potential, all tailored to your body. Our bespoke personal training programme is designed considering your unique physiology, individual capabilities, and wellness aspirations.

We also include factors like sleep patterns, diet and nutrition, stress reduction, creating holistic fitness and wellness coaching programmes that bring you closer to your goals. Every journey with EDY Yann is distinct, starting with YOU.

Bespoke Personal Training

The EDY Yann Philosophy

We challenge conventional methods. Our team continuously evolves our techniques, providing customized workout plans for each client’s specific needs and goals in London.

From injury rehab to fat loss, our focus on specificity and precision ensures the effectiveness of our bespoke personal training strategies.


Build your foundation. Start preparing your body for enhanced performance to reduce injury risk and set you on the path to success.


Let’s start to strengthen and reinforce every part of your body, with a focus on properly executing sets of specifically designed exercises.


This is your time to shine. We want you to feel the benefits of your exercise programme in all areas of your life – from day to day activities to specific sporting events.

Meet Our Team

London Personal Trainer

Edy Yann



John Y

Personal Trainer




Success Stories