Meet Yann

Yann is specialising in Sports Rehabilitation and Strength & Conditioning. He appreciates that every individual – from their body structure to their motivations – is unique, and so his focus is always on providing a personal touch to coaching. This includes creating an individualised diet and exercise approach based on biological and anatomical facts, rather than preconceived dogmas and beliefs.

As a former professional athlete this puts him in the privileged position of being able to craft bespoke personal training programmes which reflect the ability, anatomy and ambition of the individual.

As you’ve found his website, it means you have the desire to get started with a new health and fitness lifestyle, or take the next step in advancing your fitness and athleticism, which is a great start!

Yann’s Vision

His philosophy revolves around making positive life changes. He takes time to assess all aspects of a client’s lifestyle, rather than focusing on a single specific area. This ensures he can accurately pinpoint areas where change is needed before designing the perfect bespoke programme.